Long ago a promising actor arrived in Tollywood with a cult movie “Gulabi”. Overnight he became a lover boy in Tollywood and grabbed attention of (of course more of female fans) including Ram Gopal Varma. No prizes for guessing, he is JD Chakravarthi. The movie “Gulabi” was director by Krishna Vamsi, protégé of Varma.
took the Bollywood lanes on invite from Varma, leaving a dozen Tollywood offers
and a fortune, which he realized in hindsight. He spent almost two years time
for an Bollywood movie. By the time he came to his senses, Tollywood has
already forgotten him and Srikanths and Jagapathi babus started sharing his
fortune. One of the films he rejected was a movie by director Bala, who is know
for his authentic concepts. This movie eventually landed in the hands of a
struggling actor on a suggestion from JD. This movie "Sethu" became a mile stone in the career of this struggling actor, Vikram. This movie eventually remade in Telugu (Sivaiah), Hindi (Tere Naam). Then he grabbed the eye balls of super director Shankar, who gave him a new lease of life with movie “Aniyan (Tamil)/Aparachitudu Telugu)/Aparichit (Hindi).
Varma Factory, on one side kept on delivering promising directors and on the
other, damaged careers of tons of actors. Though this bunch of actors tasted
success at first step but failed consistently there after. The list is
huge…Urmila, Anthara Mali, Nisha Kothari, Randeep Singh Hooda, Rajpal Yadav,
Manoj Bajpai, JD Chakravarthi and Sharvanand. Some of them (Manoj & Hooda) have
tasted success post departure from factory, surprisingly.
say, “Luck is what, when preparation meets the opportunity”.
But who knows,
Sala that is opportunity or something else?